MODULE 3. Innovations
The main aim of Module 3. Innovations is to build up a potential Practical Training Course In Innovations for artistic and artisan women for their self-studies or by operators within the adult education field seeking to enhance and deepen the knowledge and competencies in the usage of contemporary materials and techniques of sustainable nature as well as increase their digital literacy levels through exercising in the non-fungible token (NFT) minting, with some basic knowledge in cryptocurrencies and blockchains.
Based on the #WISE application evaluation, the project’s innovation aspect was criticized as not clearly enough reflected, and partners were advised to consider the innovativeness of the idea (and project) for the geographical context in which the project is implemented, especially in rural regions.
That’s why the Icelandic partner Skref fyrir Skref and Lithuanian VERSLI MAMA decided to include training on the most up-to-date technological approaches such as cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and NFTs. The above-mentioned technologies provide both professional and amateur artists with almost unlimited opportunities to execute and monetize their creative activities all over the world independently from the place they live and work, also increasing their digital literacy levels.
The other partners contributed to the development of the content with their valuable comments and promotion of the NFT concept among their piloting group participants, encouraging them to mint and present their own NFTs for the project’s grand finale, the #WISE WOMEN WEEK in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, as well as translation into the national languages.
Special thanks to Italian partner ETN School for the opportunity to visit their associated partner MOON, a local workshop museum of narrative objects, which inspired a partnership with sustainability and practical training ideas.
The objective of this Practical Training Course is to provide the target group, artistic and artisan women, with the knowledge and skills required for their success, including financial, pursuing their creative practices in a rapidly changing digitalized world. Trainers can present this Module as a whole or use its parts that are most relevant to their audiences.
- Development of the Module’s structure and its Training Programme in English
- Development of referential training materials for adult trainers/self-studying women, including theoretical parts, useful tips, videos, and practical tasks for individual or group activities
- Development of the Assessment of the Competence sheet in the form of a brief questionnaire
- Revisiting the Practical Training Course structure after receiving feedback after the pilot training
- Translation of Module 3 content into all national languages by partnership and uploading them on the project website as downloadable PDFs.
- Sustainability concept and trends
- Artificial intelligence (AI) as emerging artistic practice
- Cryptocurrencies and blockchains
- Non-fungible token (NFT) in arts
Module 3 uses so-called learning by doing training methods. The main aim of the course is to provide female adult students with a set of practical tools, including in-class exercises, discussions on real cases, interactive and individual activities, homework, and site visits, within a shared theoretical framework and with a set of expected learning outcomes.
The main goals of the Practical Training Course in Innovations are as follows:
- Encourage the understanding and practicing of contemporary trends in arts and artisan handicraft
- Upskilling in digital literacy
- Build up participants’ self-confidence in sustainability and digital creativity, encouraging the field-specific skills
- Facilitate access to simple blockchain-empowered crypto services relevant to creative entrepreneurship
- Complement present curricula used in adult training with new approaches in digital literacy and creative entrepreneurship
The module consists of 48 contact hours and homework to do individually. Contact hours of the module may evenly be distributed during a period of 12 weeks, e. g. 4 contact hours one day per week, with the rest of the week, left for homework tasks and consultations in the group and individually with the lecturer/mentor.
For example, participants of the piloting workshops engaged in a variety of blended learning sessions and activities amounting to a maximum of 12 weekly face-to-face or online meetings per partnering country.
A suggested weekly training scheme
- Lecture (theoretical part): 90 min
- Interactive sessions/site visits for practical training: 120 min
- Questions and Answers on specific cases/sharing: 30 min
- Homework: on a weekly basis
- Individual consultation and assessment: up to 90 min
WISE evaluation helps to
- Assess and demonstrate the effectiveness in achieving the participant’s learning
- Empower and motivate participants along their learning
- Assess the effectiveness of teaching and its strategies, methods, and techniques.
The evaluation tool is composed by:
- Acquisition of knowledge
- Ongoing evaluation through face-to-face discussion about the previous training session at the beginning of the next training session
- Post-training assessment of the competence
- Trainees’ satisfaction (feedback using an online evaluation form/qualitative interviews).
At the end of the Practical Training Course in Innovations participant is able to:
- Identify opportunities for more sustainable and financially stable performance
- Understand and individually use basic tools and platforms for NFT minting/selling, thus enhancing personal opportunities to live on private creative practices
- Understand the digital threats to their artistic practices and counteractive measures
Illustration ©Canva
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Όλες οι ονομασίες εταιρειών, προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών που χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο και τα αρχεία λήψης είναι μόνο για σκοπούς αναγνώρισης, πληροφόρησης και εκπαίδευσης. Όλα τα εμπορικά σήματα, τα λογότυπα και οι επωνυμίες είναι ιδιοκτησία των αντίστοιχων κατόχων τους. Η χρήση αυτών των ονομάτων, εμπορικών σημάτων και εμπορικών σημάτων δεν υπονοεί έγκριση.
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- Wise women