Training the trainers in Karditsa
Eight representatives from foreign partnering organizations took part in dynamic learning, teaching, and training sessions in the city of Karditsa (Greece) under the observance of the prescribed health and safety measures, amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The transnational event was organized by executives of ANKA S.A., on behalf of the #WISE – Women: Innovative, Successful, Empowered, a project under the Erasmus+ program.
The importance of metacognition in andragogy, identification of adult learners’ self-concept and need to know themselves better, the role and preparation of facilitators were among the training topics, methods of adult training, and their main aspects, including, but not limited to, setting the training goals, choosing the right training methods and stages were among the topics covered during the learning, teaching, and training seminars.
Training sessions in andragogy were accompanied by multiple visits to the Women’s Center of Karditsa, the theatrical workshop at the local theatre, the family business “Plekta Vera” and the online presentation of the guest artist Evgenia Vissariou.
The training sessions took place in the conference room of ANKA’s offices (Megalou Alexandrou 34, Karditsa), from Nov 19 to 21, 2021. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate on the implementation of innovative andragogical approaches, the exchange of good practices, as well as on practical issues of the program.
Moreover, as representative of the Greek hospitality, a guided tour of the city of Karditsa and the nearest landmarks was held. In this context, the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other better, interacted, and laid solid foundations for the continuity and successful completion of the project #WISE.

About the project
Project #WISE serves the creative and artistic women who have been thinking about their practice as a self-employment opportunity.
#WISE has two objectives. The 1st objective is to support crafts & arts women in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competencies in digital literacy, innovation, and technological manufacturing solutions for better realization of their creative ideas and products. And the 2nd objective is to extend the supply of high-quality learning and networking opportunities for women in crafts & arts and contemporary creative industries market trends.
The project focuses on female artists of different ages, living mainly in regions of all partner countries, and embraces the competencies of both age groups, inviting at least 50 women from the 5 partnering countries to take part in the practical training sessions on creative entrepreneurship, contemporary arts, and innovations.
The #WISE is being implemented by a partnership of 6 organizations from 5 EU Member States, coordinated by Lithuanian NGO Versli mama along with partners We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark), Gallery of Lithuanian Artist’s Union, ETN School s.r.l. (Italy), Skref fyrir Skref ehf / Step by step (Iceland), and ANKA. S.A. (Greece).

Contributed by AN.KA S.A.